V knjižici so zbrane štiri zgodbe, ki jih povezuje glavni lik, gospod Filodendron. Andrej Rozman Roza, ki smo ga vajeni predvsem kot ustvarjalca z enkratnim smislom za humor, se tudi tokat izkaže za izjemno duhovitega, tako pri zasnovi naslovnega lika kot pri izbiri situacij, v katere ga postavlja.
ENG: Mr. Philodendron is an interesting little chap – he wants to pick apples but almost cuts down the tree. He wants to hang his towel, but wants to do it into the wall socket, where he usually plugs his razor. He walks down the street and notices a silver compact lying on the pavement; seeing himself in it, he doesn’t know what’s going on. And then he does not understand anything about the sea. So he travels there and finds out it’s basically water.
–> Only in english language / samo v angleškem jeziku <–