The Forum of Slavic Cultures introduces to the map of the world the culinary traditions and gastronomy of the Slavs, a wealth of diversity which is to shape the culinary diversity of the world along with the already established gastronomic traditions.
The first world monograph AT THE TABLE WITH THE SLAVS presents, in one comprehensive volume, selected characteristic dishes of thirteen Slavic countries: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
Through the rich tradition of culinary cultural heritage with recipes for three selected dishes representing each country, this first joint presentation of Slavic culinary art in the world with exceptional photographs and short introductions to the gastronomy and culinary tradition of each country reflects the similarities and differences that distinguish the Slavic culinary identity and the identity of more than 300 million Slavs across the world.
Knjiga Foruma slovanskih kultur S Slovani za mizo (At the Table with the Slavs) je na Kitajskem prejela nagrado Gourmand za najboljšo kuharsko knjigo: “Best in the World – Gourmand World Cookbook Awards”.